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Best Youtube Promotion in 2024 🏆

YouTube Ads Campaign

Drive more views and traffic to your music videos!


One of the fastest and most cost-effective methods of gaining views and followers for your music and videos on YouTube is Youtube ads. YouTube ads enable your music and videos to appear in front of millions of people without breaking the bank.


First, select your Campaign option: In-stream or Discovery.

Then, select your location target: Global or Big 5.

In-stream: Lower-cost views and fast delivery

  • Tier 1: $1,000

    • 41,667+ In-stream Views. Takes up to 35 days. (Global Audience)

    • 20,833+ In-Stream Views.  Takes up to 35 days. (Big 5: Targeting U.S., U.K., CA, AU, NZ exclusively)

  • Tier 2: $500 

    • 20,833 In-stream Views. Takes up to 14 Days. (Global Audience)

    • 10,417+ In-Stream Views. Takes up to 14 days.  (Big 5: Targeting U.S., U.K., CA, AU, NZ exclusively)

  • Tier 3: $250 

    • 10,417+ In-stream Views. Takes up to 7 Days. (Global Audience)

    • 5,208+ In-stream Views. Takes up to 7 Days. (Big 5: Targeting U.S., U.K., CA, AU, NZ exclusively)

Discovery: Views with greater chances for engagement (Likes, Views, Subscribers), slower delivery

  • Tier 1: $1,000

    • 26,316+ Discovery Views. Takes up to 35 days. (Global Audience)

    • 13,158+ Discovery Views. Takes up to 35 days.  (Big 5: Targeting U.S., U.K., CA, AU, NZ exclusively)

  • Tier 2: $500 

    • 13,158+ Discovery Views. Takes up to 14 Days. (Global Audience)

    • 6,579+ Discovery Views. Takes up to 35 days.  (Big 5: Targeting U.S., U.K., CA, AU, NZ exclusively)

  • Tier 3: $250

    • 6,579+ Discovery Views. Takes up to 7 Days.

    • 3,289+ Discovery Views. Takes up to 7 Days. (Big 5: Targeting U.S., U.K., CA, AU, NZ exclusively)

Note: Estimates are not guarantees, but likely outcomes based on past campaign results from similar ad spend budgets.  Results will vary for each and every video, and results will cost more per action when targeting the Big 5 countries like the US.  


1) Fill out the form below and submit.

2) Your campaign will begin 7-10 days (often within 1 week) from the chosen Friday we start

3) We'll give you your follow-up results when it concludes!

YouTube Ads Campaign Form

Thanks for submitting! Someone from our team will be in touch with you soon!

Past Results

Click images to enlarge and scroll

Example 1: Valor by Mariannah y Diego (Spanish Christian, 1M campaign)

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