NOTE: all our services comply with Spotify's policies. We do not guarantee streams. We do NOT use bots. Our features are built around pitching and running custom ad campaigns.
Over 400 songs successfully launched since 2020!
Launch playlist campaigns are one-off playlist campaigns that get you pitched and placed in credible curator playlists inside of our playlist network, and they act as one time boosts to dump more fuel on the fire fast, whenever you need it. These campaigns are perfect for both new and even older releases!
Playlists are the key to growing successful music today. Landing on the various types of Spotify playlists will expose your music to a new audience and first-time listeners. We will plan your Spotify promotion campaign based on the genre and mood of the song to get you the best possible results and maximum exposure. We’ll pitch your music to real and organic playlists, to get the best out of your song. You will receive a detailed report at the end of your campaign, which includes playlists added in your top 50, follower increase, monthly listener increase, streams increase, and direct links to the playlists.
On average, Launch Artists in 2023 had 36 of our network playlists in their top 50 performing playlists, per campaign (and that's just top 50)
Monthly Listeners
On average, Launch Artists in 2023 grew their monthly listeners 6,712.7 listeners while averaging 14,621 streams, per campaign
On average, Launch Artists in 2023 grew their followers by 33.5 followers, per campaign
Christian Music Pricing:
500K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $1,250 (can run up to 4-6 months)
250K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $825 (can run up to 3-4 months)
100K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $400 (usually runs about 6 weeks)
50K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $300 (usually runs about 4 weeks)
Non-Christian Music Pricing:
500K-700K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $2,000 (50k-70k estimated streams)
250K-400K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $1,000 (25k-40k estimated streams)
100K-200K FOLLOWER REACH CAMPAIGN: $500 (10k-20k estimated streams)
1) There is typically a 10-20% conversion rate based off of playlist followers. Ex: 50k followers usually equates to 5k-10k streams.
2) Curators typically keep your music play-listed for 1 month, but some have also gone as long as a year! If they really love the song, you might stay a while! The bigger the campaign, the longer the campaigns will usually run for.
3) Follower counts and stream counts are estimations based on likely outcomes, and sometimes total followers and stream results will be lower or higher than the campaign tier estimate. When the actual follower count is lower than the estimated tier, the campaign will usually run longer to compensate.
4) We have a zero-bot policy. Each new curator is thoroughly reviewed and tested to ensure 100% organic audiences.
5) Campaign includes 1 release day TAC IG story and page post featuring a custom photo of artist.
6) There are no refunds offered after marketing begins.
1) Fill out the submission form below with $5 submission fee and your requested launch date.
2) Our team will review your launch request and get back to you within a 1-2 days via email.
3) If approved, you'll receive the final invoice to lock in your launch date.
5) Your launch will begin the Friday you requested.
6) You'll receive a results breakdown at the end of your campaign via email!